Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Raconteurs

Okay music lovers, there is a brand new band out there called the Raconteurs. most of you already probably knew this, but did you expect them to be this good? well, you should have because the Raconteurs lead singer is the White Stripes very own Jack White! this band has defenitely made a dent in my solid favorites list. as a matter of fact i'm listening to them right now... and they're awesome.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

EQ2 flash update

Okay, i must admit, i am an avid EQ2 player. and i think about it a lot. now, i know what your all thinking. your thinking that i'm turning this blog into a game blog, don't worry, there is already one for that silly! (see: www.gamesilikeandwhy.blogspot.com)
well, there i am, standing around in the shower, thinking about EQ2, when, all of the sudden, INSPIRATION STRIKES! I have been thinking about making a guild for months, and i just couldn't think of a name, but i finally found one. Unanimously Anonymous! okay your all thinking, who really cares? right. but i know deep down you think its an absolutely wonderful idea. it is the perfect name for the perfect roleplaying guild. and if someone makes this guild, please talk to Ferociuslizard first, on the unrest server. go unrest x_X.

Saturday, May 06, 2006


There is a website called Snopes.com What they do is take some of the most popular urban legends and myths and decide whether they are true or not. As soon as i saw this website i knew you would like it