Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Raconteurs

Okay music lovers, there is a brand new band out there called the Raconteurs. most of you already probably knew this, but did you expect them to be this good? well, you should have because the Raconteurs lead singer is the White Stripes very own Jack White! this band has defenitely made a dent in my solid favorites list. as a matter of fact i'm listening to them right now... and they're awesome.


Blogger Link said...

quite the band dan.

9:14 PM  
Blogger R said...

You and our music director, Ashlee Reid have just crossed paths in mind and spirit within the last 5 minutes.

She just walked in here and held up a CD and said "What's this? Have you ever heard of this? I'm not cool enough..."

She didn't know who they were AND NIETHER did I until I checked my e-mail and saw a link from Link to your blog (two seconds ago). I read your blog and now I'm listening to that CD she just held up a couple minutes ago wondering about!! It would have been collecting dust otherwise! CRAZY!!

7:50 AM  
Blogger Danny Kondzela said...

quite crazy indeed

2:27 PM  

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